Shin-Tung Yau
It is not required to study the full extensive list of Harvard professor Shin-Tung Yau’s theoretical works in differential geometry and topology to be convinced that he is one of the world’s most brilliant and authoritative mathematicians. It’s enough to know that Yau, 64, is the first Chinese-born researcher to win two of the world’s most prestigious mathematical awards: the Fields Medal for establishing the Calabi Hypothesis, which is the foundation for mathematical applications of physical string theory, and the Wolf Prize for 2010.
Yau’s international renown is based on more than only his scientific achievements. The scientist is also known for his constant severe criticism of the Celestial Empire’s “intellectual corruption” destroying higher education, which he himself abandoned when he was 22. “In China, this is a one-of-a-kind phenomena. The issue is that individuals who are discovered plagiarizing or falsifying do not face any consequences. How can you persuade the rest of us not to do it in this case?” – Yau was cited in China Daily as stating.
However, he believes that education has another essential purpose: training the country’s elites, the new leaders who will secure China’s future prosperity: “Even if we can just teach 1% of the future generation, that will enough.”
Dabbalah Rajagopal Reddy
In the not-too-distant future, humans will be replaced by robots. This is no longer a topic of conversation. The concept has been floating about for decades, and the study of Dabbala Rajagopal Reddy, better known as Raj Reddy, is bringing it closer to fruition.
Reddy studied perceptual and motor elements of intelligence and robotics once he arrived in the United States. He trained robots to detect speech and gave them the ability to control their own voices.
“Pioneering design and development of large-scale artificial intelligence systems, demonstrating the practical relevance and potential commercial effect of artificial intelligence technology,” he earned the Turing Award.
Today, the 76-year-old expert in computational systems theory works at Carnegie Mellon University as a professor of computer science and robotics. Raj Reddy, like other migrant scientists, is aware of his roots.
Here you’ll find a lot of clever youngsters… You must first teach them, and then they will teach others, resulting in the creation of a knowledge base.